Meet Ziggy who is mum of Marnie, Alfie and Wills. and of course litter sister to filmstar Yoda.
Email joan@abbeyton.com or Telephone 07506699965
(Photo courtesy of Carol Cambell)
YODA who took the title role in a film about the Cotswolds.
She lives at home with Carol and is a very athletic Papillon
who does agility.
At The Guernsey Lily Festival 2005
Best Photography Together With Yoda by Willy Van Der Linden (Belgium)
AMPS American International Film & Video Festival 2005.
Willy Van der Linden's (Belgium) Together With Yoda won
second prize in the General Category
Best by a New AMPS member
Best Travel
Summer enjoying her free time in the garden the day after winning
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate at SKC judge Angela Skelton (Adnamashan)