Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Picture taken 07/09/2008

Ayla, Ruairidh and Betsy
picture taken 07/12/2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
We had to settle

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
What Snow?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Puppy training
Monday, November 24, 2008
Well Done Indy
On Saturday at Land o' Burns there was only one class for Papillons and of the 6 entered 2 were absent. Of the 4 that were there 1 was a Papillon and very surprisingly 3 were Phalene's!!!!!!!!!! Very unusual indeed. Used to be the Papillons who were in the majority.
Indy won 1st in the class, Best of Breed and was placed 3rd in the Group.
At Clydebank the following day it was back to Papillons being in the majority, Indy was placed a very respectable 2nd in the Papillon Junior class.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Phalene
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lazy days
Friday, November 07, 2008
How time passes
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Our Phalene bred litter

Here we have Betsy who has come by her name from who knows where.
Then we have MacKenzie who has decided to make our job even harder in the choosing by being so loveable but is he or isn't he a Phalene.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hugo and his new family

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mirror Image
Monday, October 13, 2008
What a difference a day makes
My weekend started late, Jean who I was travelling with to Steward at Catrine Canine open show slept in!!!!! (if only I had know I would have tried for an extra five minutes myself). We arrived as the judge was placing her first class of the day the AV Veteran. I introduced myself to the judge (sorry she didn't return the courtesy so don't know who she was). My only comment on the day is that time passed very slowly for both myself and exhibitors, and having to steward for a judge who didn't seem to grasp the concept of having a Special Best Puppy as opposed to Best puppy in show competition made the day even more entertaining especially when in the middle of judging a class she decided to give me her opinion of a dog. Boy was she embarrassed to discover at Lunch that I bred the dog she had been criticising. One of those days where you are quite happy for it to end and get home.
Left the house at the crack of dawn to go to the Scottish Toydog Society and had an absolutely fantastic day. The venue was full to overflowing with an atmosphere that left everyone relaxed and happy. My job for the first part of the day is always selling the raffle tickets, which gives me the opportunity to catch up with everyone and ask how they are enjoying the show and any comments they may have about the running/organisation of it. Hate to boast but the only complaint was in truth lack of space. But when you think of the equipment people now take to a show for themselves and there dogs it fair adds up to quite a size able amount of stuff. Everyone involved in the kitchen be it cooking, serving or supplying food should take a very big and well earned pat on the back, as this was the hub of all things tasty and well worth the money. People were taking time out to sit and relax away from the ringside and have a chat and enjoy all the home cooking, from Anna's very tasty Stovies and Cottage pie to Frances's Strawberry Tarts, that almost caused a riot over who could get to the counter first and have one. LOL I took a turn in the kitchen doing teas and coffees, afraid this is as far as my skills go in that department, but maybe I'll get better. I had three dogs entered but decided not to take all of them, Marnie was the only one to come and after having to leave her for extended periods of time I have now decided that for as long as I am on the committee I won't enter anymore dogs at the show as it is too much to look after them and attend to the duties of helping at the show. Such a shame as it is a toydog show and the turnout of Papillons is usually very good.
Anyway I have never been so glad to get home kick off my shoes and sit down and relax with my dogs and have pups biting my toes. Bliss. LOL
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Our Multicoloured family!!!!!!!!!

Dam:-Abbeyton With -----------------------Sire:- Bankshill Isle Of Lewis
A Touch Of Gold
Litter 1 Wills, Alfie and Marnie

Litter 2 Hugo, Cosmo, Lucy and Lilly (not in picture)

Still Here!!!!!!!
Been to a couple of shows where Hugo qualified for Crufts and Indy yet again impressed the ringside with his very obvious attraction to the ladies on full view. Did start to get a little worried about this as he seems to be in a permanent state of excitement. Had a dog once who underwent surgery for something similar and I wouldn't want to go there again, but glad to say that it appears to be a hormonal thing with him.
Everyone has been enjoying the laid back relaxed life over the last few months. Marnie was mated on her last season but I think we went to early with her and she missed. Flame was mated to Indy and you can see from the pictures below we had four lovely puppies, 2 boys and 2 girls. Flame is being a great mum to them and boy does this make my job easy. Fingers crossed that we have at least one if not four Phalene pups.

Flame & Indy's pups at 2 days old
Friday, August 01, 2008
Flying High!!!!!!!!!

Our first race from Carnwath was a cracker, with an expected race time of 50 mins the sky seemed full of birds, normally the young crows that you never notice seem to be everywhere and even a swallow suddenly gives the illusion of being a pigeon way high up in the sky. LOL. Like the calm before the storm the skies go quiet and even the clouds seem to stop where they are, then you spot one then a second and before you know it you have half the race team sitting on the hut and in the stall traps, this is the point where your heart starts to beat faster, and your normally blase attitude to getting them in changes. Imagine you are in a race and you can feel someone breathing down your neck!!! well that's what it is like, for every seconds delay in getting the race ring off the pigeon and into clock can mean the difference between 1st and 12th place. With the ring off 4 hours after liberation we had to make do with telephone calls to other club members trying to second guess the results. A bit like dog showing. On this occassion we were beaten by half a second into 2nd place but also taking 3rd place, not to bad from a total of 235 birds sent by 10 members of the club.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Living the quiet life
We have been to a couple of champ shows and as much as we have enjoyed our day out it was tiring. Border union saw Hugo getting a VHC in minor puppy dog, and at Blackpool Indy was placed 4th in Junior dog.
The girls have all been left at home due to coming into season. And as you can imagine the boys are feeling the strain. Domino always the gent will leave the girls in peace till he knows the day is right, Indy is just an out of control hormonal youngster. No one is safe, not even poor Ziggy who finished her season two months ago!!! And Hugo just wanders round with a bemused look on his puppy face feeling the urge but just not quite knowing what to do about it. LOL
Any shade will do on a fine summers day
Where everyone else has been busy with shows and puppies, Anna and her dogs continue to do well, also Angela Skelton with her three pups out of Northlyte Timeless at Bonmeshay. The Bankshill crowd are also continuing there winning ways at both open and champ shows.
You can keep up to date with Anna's newest arrivals and her foster babies by clicking here.
We have had a couple of visitors here as well, first was Kim who while 12 days away from having her pups had a green discharge. This does not bode well as it usually means there is a problems with the pups and most likely they will be born dead. But on this occasion Kim's discharge stopped after 24 hours and she went on to have 2 healthy pups 10 days later. Next visitor stayed with us less than 24 hours. This time is was Bea who had a terrible discharge and her owner was advised by her vet that she would have her pups that night and told her not to expect any to be born living. But well done to Bea, she had a live bitch pup 12 hours after the discharge started and we knew there was still more there but after a visit to the vet and some oxytocin we along with the vet decided that it was time for a section. Bea was left with the vet who phoned us within 30 mins to let us know that she did indeed have another to pups but unfortunately dead. One had stopped developing at about 5 -6 weeks gestation and the other was mummified. The vets were shocked to find that when they opened Bea there was a pup in the abdomen, it had ruptured the uterus within the last 2 or 3 days. They couldn't find the words to stress to us how lucky Bea was to be alive never mind sitting at home with a fine healthy live pup. Bea has settled back at home with her pup and both are doing great.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
How time goes by...........
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
The Three Musketeers
Rosie had a vomiting fit yesterday and started to turn blue I shot her down the vets and she had two vets and two nurses working on her, the outcome was she has an enlarged heart and bad lungs, the vet and I discussed stopping things there and then but she seemed to think that if we can get the weight off she would have a chance, so she is home now still huffing and puffing but I will watch and wait, she is very happy to be home again.

Kookie 11, Mr Softey 14 and Rosie 12
Friday, March 28, 2008
The pictures below are of three elderly Papillons rescued from there owners home by one of the many people involved in Papillon rescue up and down the British Isles. Neglect and abuse are not always the reasons dogs arrive in rescue. Some are the much loved pets of owners who are unable to meet the needs of there dog, be it family breakup, health, age or moving into accommodation where dogs are not welcomed.

Thursday, March 27, 2008
New Beginnings
You can visit Hazel Barr and read all about her beginnings in Papillons. Don't forget to keep checking back for the continuing story at Barallan Papillons.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday will never be the same
Write a story

Monday, March 24, 2008
Dogless daze !!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Letting go

Step into another world
Stories this month on: Nepal, Russia, Laos, New Mexico, Senegal, Tanzania and Burma
And gorgeous pictorials on: Nepal, Laos and Bali
Hope you enjoy the pictures and stories.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The only dog I entered for showing was Marnie who went unplaced in special yearling bitch, not surprising as she only recently finished a season and with that went her coat. LOL
Marnie did however have her eye test at Crufts and came home with a clear eye certificate.
It was a good day catching up with friends and there dogs that you only see at the champs shows through the summer months. We also met up with other Abbeyton Papillon owners, both those that are showing and some who just like to sit at the fireside. Great to see you all.
See you all in 2009.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Puppy Vacinations
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Well Done at Belvisaj
(Judge Mrs I McManus UK)
Where does time go?
It only seems like a few weeks since Flame and Ziggy had there pups.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
An Introduction

Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Decision Made