Thursday, December 10, 2009
From Ayla
and of course the rest of us here at Abbeyton, we would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who left comments, emailed and telephoned to see how Ayla was doing. I am absolutely delighted to say that she is almost 100% her old self. Another few visits to the vet to make in the next few weeks but she now goes in with her tail wagging and takes everything that comes her way with a lick for all.
We don't seem to be any closer to finding out what exactly has caused this hicup in Ayla's health, maybe we never will. But for sure you will all see her soon. Probably Crufts in March.
Licks and wags from AYLA
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Ayla on Thursday
Went to the vet on Wednesday afternoon and they couldn't believe it was the same dog walking in the door, she had her tail up ran to meet everyone making sure she didn't miss giving anyone a kiss. She got her injections and didn't make a sound. Her temperature is still at normal and she now has some new food to try. Getting a dog to eat when it doesn't want to takes quite a bit of manipulation, so she got her new biscuits soaked in chicken stock and some chicken put in with it and though she ate a wee bit it wasn't as much as I would have liked. But hey every wee bit is a bit more than last time. Can't believe that on Monday / Tuesday both the vet and myself thought we were going to loose her, absolutely amazing how resilient dogs can be. Vet is at the other end of the phone anytime we need her but watching Ayla this morning I think we will get to her allotted appointment next week for her third and final hormone injection and the first of vitamin b injections she is to have to help her body absorb the protein's from her food rather than whatever is draining it away. Ayla is sleeping in our bedroom and loving every minute of it. The others have taken the hump about this but I'm sure they will get over it. Just so good to see Ayla with a her spark back.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
And so it continues
After getting home from the show on Saturday all the dogs were quite happy to tuck into there dinners, that is all but Ayla who has been a wee bit picky lately about if she would or wouldn't eat. Unusually for Ayla she wasn't interested in playing with her toy with Jim which is her usual routine, she just snuggled in beside him and went to sleep. I had been putting her lack of appetite etc down to recently having had her first season, but on Sunday she wasn't much better to the point where she was actually looking depressed and wouldn't leave her bed and again refused to eat anything. Monday morning when she refused to even drink water we were straight to the vet where both the vet and I agreed that as she had a raised temperature, was dehydrated and tender about her abdomen there was a chance of her having a pyometra (womb infection). She has stayed with the vet and been put on a drip for fluids, antibiotics for her temperature and has had an ultra sound scan to look for signs of pyo. As she was possibly going to have an operation the vet done the normal pre op blood tests to check that all was ok with Ayla before operating. And aren't we glad she did, as Ayla's blood had low proteins this meant that if she had been operated on she would not have been able to stop bleeding and therefore would not have survived the operation. The vet has sent bloods to Glasgow vet school for a 2nd opinion as some of the other results were not what she would normally expect. Ayla stayed in the vets on Monday night on a drip she was given a hormone injection and antibioticsto treat the suspected pyo, she was also given something similar to zantax and vitamin b to help her digestion as some of the blood results indicate problems in that area as well.
Ayla came home late Tuesday evening and ate a huge dish of chicken and even asked for more, she picked up her toy and lay with it in her paws and she even picked her tail up off the floor and wagged it at us. She's not keen on being with the other dogs at the moment but when I'm in the kitchen she goes in to a bed with her mum Flame and cuddles in to her. She is off to the vet today at 2.30pm for a 2nd hormone injection and antibiotics. I'll update as we find anything out.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Highs and Lows
We went to the Scottish Papillon clubs open show on Saturday the 28th and the day seemed to be the start of things not going so good. Firstly the car wouldn't start so arrived at the show an hour or so late. Jim who was coming with me with all the dogs had to back out as he was needed to do the judges marking at a pigeon show. So off I went with a car full of excited and some nauseous pups for the hour and a half's drive. Took the big pen with me and I'm glad I did as it gave all the dogs a chance to stretch there legs and see what was going on round about them.
First in the ring was Indy who went unplaced in open dog, little Grace was up next in Minor Puppy Bitch and came a very respectable third on her first outing at a show. Daisy was entered in Puppy bitch but I decided not to take her in as she is not carrying her tail just now and that just makes it more difficult. Ayla was next in the Junior class and though she came second she was missing her usual bounce and sparkle. My star of the day was Flame who was placed second in open bitch, in the past if Flame didn't want to show you had no chance of changing her mind, but today she showed her socks off just seemed to be so happy to be there. Jessica, Jenni and Jack had a wee wander round the venue and stopped for cuddles from some of the other exhibitors, would have had them out walking round a bit more but some of the Papillons there today were a little bit noisy and some even a bit nippy and I was not willing to risk the pups first experience to some grouchy dogs.
Jack will be going to live with his new mum Alison from Friday and we will miss him buzzing around with everyone else and then sneaking in under everyone else for a cuddle. A new and exciting time for Jack.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Time marches on
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
We're still here
Bet you all thought I had deserted??? To be truthful I didn't realise just how much work it would be having a house full of youngsters.
Daisy is 8 months and an absolute heart breaker, her nature is fantastic, so soft and amiable. I suppose just like the rest of them really.
Grace is 5 months and belongs to Debra who was unable to take her home to France (long story all to do with a stupid port official) so she is staying with me meantime. She started her ringcraft training on Monday and took an instant liking to all dogs HUGE, mastiffs, retrievers and dobermans to name a few that she made friends with.
On Tuesday evening Jessica and Jenni joined Grace at the class for a wee while, they sat in there crate watching everyone going about there business and took it all in there stride. Everyone next week will start getting out and about on there collar and leads and see how they go.
Jack will stay with us and will go to training while we wait for his new home to come up. Such a shame about the markings on his face as he is such an outgoing and very confident pup. Hopefully he won't have to wait to long for his new family to come along.
I'll post some photos when I get my computer and camera to start talking to each other again.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
A most enjoyable day
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Busy weekend
Had a bit of a busy weekend. Young Grace (phalene pup) who was staying with us for a few weeks went to her new Mum on Saturday to begin her trip to France to join her new human and doggy family. Though Grace was only small and here for a short time she has certainly left a big gap. But I dare say that the pups Jack, Jenni and Jessica will soon take up any convenient space left. lol.
Got home on Saturday evening about 7pm and had to load the car with the show trolley and all the other bits and bobs you take with you. Indy and Daisy then had to be bathed and all the other dogs tened to as well. With about an hours sleep I met Anna at 2am and we set off for Stranraer port for the ferry across the water to Belfast. As is usual when I travel I am so awake at the beginning of the journey that trying to have a sleep the same as most others on the ferry was impossible, but I did find others who were just as wide awake and we spent the two hour crossing talking about dogs.
This was Daisy's first time showing as she is only just 6 months. Not the most enjoyable day in her young life so far. She didn't mind at all the people who wanted to give her cuddles, or the dogs that quietly approached and wanted to say hello. The sound echoed round the hall we were in and this really unsettled her quite a bit. She was a wee star on the table and quite happy to let our judge Michael Quinney look at her teeth and go over her from head to toe without a fuss. Indy had what I can only describe as a really bad hair day, always remember to read the label before you put conditioner on your dog the night before a show, lol used the wrong one on him and he came out of his bed looking like he had joined a punk rock band!!!!!!!! all I can say is thank you Gordon Urquhart of HUB who very kindly took time to advise the best "approved water" to help control Indy's impression of a burst cushion. Doesn't help that his coat is at different lengths just now as well.
Indy stepped out in the ring looking decidedly better than he did when he came off the boat and took a 2nd in the Post Graduate class. Daisy came 3rd in Puppy. This gave both of them a qualifying place for Crufts 2010. Looks like it is going to be a Phalene only trip to Crufts which is a first for us and certainly something to look forward to.
The journey home was the same as every other show except you got out the car for a couple of hours to stretch your legs. Again most of the bench seating on the ferry was taken up with people stretched out trying to get a couple of hours sleep before starting the drive home, some longer than others. I wasn't able to sleep on the ferry so spent the crossing talking dogs. Whats new there then lol.
Got home on Saturday evening about 7pm and had to load the car with the show trolley and all the other bits and bobs you take with you. Indy and Daisy then had to be bathed and all the other dogs tened to as well. With about an hours sleep I met Anna at 2am and we set off for Stranraer port for the ferry across the water to Belfast. As is usual when I travel I am so awake at the beginning of the journey that trying to have a sleep the same as most others on the ferry was impossible, but I did find others who were just as wide awake and we spent the two hour crossing talking about dogs.
This was Daisy's first time showing as she is only just 6 months. Not the most enjoyable day in her young life so far. She didn't mind at all the people who wanted to give her cuddles, or the dogs that quietly approached and wanted to say hello. The sound echoed round the hall we were in and this really unsettled her quite a bit. She was a wee star on the table and quite happy to let our judge Michael Quinney look at her teeth and go over her from head to toe without a fuss. Indy had what I can only describe as a really bad hair day, always remember to read the label before you put conditioner on your dog the night before a show, lol used the wrong one on him and he came out of his bed looking like he had joined a punk rock band!!!!!!!! all I can say is thank you Gordon Urquhart of HUB who very kindly took time to advise the best "approved water" to help control Indy's impression of a burst cushion. Doesn't help that his coat is at different lengths just now as well.
Indy stepped out in the ring looking decidedly better than he did when he came off the boat and took a 2nd in the Post Graduate class. Daisy came 3rd in Puppy. This gave both of them a qualifying place for Crufts 2010. Looks like it is going to be a Phalene only trip to Crufts which is a first for us and certainly something to look forward to.
The journey home was the same as every other show except you got out the car for a couple of hours to stretch your legs. Again most of the bench seating on the ferry was taken up with people stretched out trying to get a couple of hours sleep before starting the drive home, some longer than others. I wasn't able to sleep on the ferry so spent the crossing talking dogs. Whats new there then lol.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We're back!!!!!!!!!!
Bet you all thought I had fallen off the face of the earth LOL. The last couple of months have been taken up with the pigeons. Between training, club racing and running our own races, then going out and doing demo's with the Benzing ets it has been a busy time. Usually only get to Belfast once a year for the champ show, but we have been over quite a few times in the last couple of months and even managed to fit in a couple of nights in Dublin as well.
Below is a picture of my car with the training trailler that I take the pigeons in and the view I get from the liberation sites we use for our own races.

Meet Drop Dead Gorgeous (DDG) George , he was a gift from a local pigeon fancier and is a yellow pied born this year.

Pictures, pictures and more
Haven't been to many shows due to Hatty (mum) and Indy (dad) having had pups, Ayla losing her coat, and Daisy just isn't old enough. I'll just post some pictures for you all to have a look at and then I can get back to doing what I do best, blethering LOL

Meet her pups, Jessica black & white Papillon girl, Jenni red sable & white Phalene girl and last but not least Cap'n Jack (bit of a rogue he is) black & white (possible tri) Phalene boy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Dancin' in Dundee

Well it could only be Ayla dancing with joy after winning 1st Papillon Puppy and best puppy in breed then winning 1st in the av toy special puppy class. Judge was Mr Tony Allcock (MBE) who judged the Toy group at Dundee premier show. Indy was placed a very respectable 3rd in Post graduate dog, shame the bitch in front was only a week or so out of season which meant he went round with his nose glued to the ground and when he stopped the grass was flying.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Times they are a changing ...........
Abbeyton and the word Papillons went so well together (well I thought so anyway) but as the title says changes are afoot.
My interest in showing Papillons started in 1995 when Jim my husband bought me my first Papillon called Poppy and ever since our lives and home has been taken over by these small dogs with HUGE characters and even bigger ears. lol I have enjoyed thoroughly being owned by Papillons over the years but I now find that we are being taken over by the Papillons ancestor and the original dog The Phalene, or Continental Toy Spaniel.
One of the first and most memorable Phalenes I ever saw was Serenglade Symphony bred and owned by Mrs Linda Greenslade when she won the Reserve Chalenge Certificate at crufts in 1992. (was there with some obedience folk long before I started showing) After that I became more aware of the occasional Phalene being shown and believe me they were few and far between. The next Phalene I met was a young dog imported into Scotland from Europe by Mrs Mary Fraser (Fraserdene)
Anyway fast forwarding to more recent history, Liz Anderson (Northlyte) had a Phalene, Northlyte Fire 'N Brimstone (Flame) a beautiful petite red and white girl who I was able to buy. It was almost a year later that I telephoned Linda Greenslade (Serenglade) who let me have my boy Serenglade Indigo Moon (Indy). From mating these two dogs I now have Abbeyton Fire Dancer (Ayla). And dare I say it that I recently went to visit Linda Greenslade with every intention of coming home with an absolutely gorgeous red sable Phalene dog puppy that she had sent me a photograph of but like all the best laid plans I came home with his litter sister. She is a black and white and her name is Daisy (Serenglade New Moon Rising) I was so tempted to bring back both of them (still tempted to go and ask Linda for the boy ) I had even phoned Jim and told him to expect both of them home, Jim was quite surprised only to have Daisy come in the door he went looking in the boxes for the boy as he didn't believe me that I had come away without him. LOL And so we now have four Phalene's and two Papillons!!!!!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Not quite Crufts.......
But a great day all the same.
Shows off her Best In Show rosette and Best Puppy In Show trophy from the local Agricultural exemption dog show where we spent the day with Anna and Carter of Bonmeshay. Leavings on the ground from sheep, cows and horses a wee pleasant change from the usual meat treats offered from me so Ayla thought. LOL
Monday, May 18, 2009
Dog Shows
Went to SKC and stewarded on the Friday, took Ayla and Indy on Saturday for showing and came home with a lighter purse and dogs unplaced in the classes. Sunday I went to the Papillon Club of Scotland Champ show at Lanark with the 3 Phalene's Ayla, Indy, Flame and Marnie my only Papillon at present for showing. Indy was first in the ring and went unplaced as did Ayla and Marnie. Didn't bother to take Flame in as the judge didn't seem to like Phalene's. As I had put up a rather large pen all the dogs were quite comfortable with there chews and space to move around if they wanted. Anna handled Indy in the Phalene open class at got 1st place, Ayla was 2nd behind him and her grandmother Sophie was 3rd.
And that was the weekend that was. No more shows for a while so I get to sit in the garden (if it's dry) and watch the pigeons coming home from the race. You can keep up with how they do at Homing Pigeons .
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Phalene's Day Out
Had a very nice day at Cumnock and District Open Show, our Judge for both the toy group and BIS was Mrs Elanor Bothwell (Norcis).
With me were Ayla (Abbeyton Fire Dancer), her sire Indy (Serenglade Indigo Moon At Abbeyton) and her dam Flame (Northlyte Fire 'N Brimstone At Abbeyton).
Indy was in the Papillon Graduate class in which he won first place. Flame was next in Papillon Open and came second in her class. Ayla was in the AV Special Toy Puppy where she was placed first, being placed first meant she also won Best Puppy in Group.
Feels a bit strange not having a Papillon out at the shows, but Marnie will be back out next weekend with the Phalene's at SKC and The Papillon Club of Scotland Championship shows. Our last shows for a wee while as I'm going to take a break and put some time in with the pigeons and then take a week out to go down the country and visit with a few friends with some very nice dogs. LOL Jim's worse nightmare. Watch this space............
Monday, May 04, 2009
Ayla has a good day
Left home at 5:45am and headed north to Arbroath with Anna for the North of Scotland Toydog Society open show.
Always a favourite place for people to stock up with leads, bedding, bait bags and the other items so Anna is kept busy with her wee stall. Carter was the only Bonmeshay dog there today and he was placed 2nd in Papillon Puppy. I was in the same class with a little bitch called Misty (Papwings Misty Memories) who belongs to Mary Duncan. At a couple of days over 9 months old she did very well being placed 3rd behind Carter. Also had the pleasure of Lilah's company again and got to handle her in the Chinese Crested open class, unfortunately had to hand her to someone else and she was place 3rd as it clashed with Ayla being in the ring.
Ayla (Abbeyton Fire Dancer) was entered in Papillon Minor Puppy and won her class. She then won Best Puppy in Breed under judge Mrs Penny Robins (Jaroma) and then won Puppy Group 3 from judge Mrs L Humphrey's (Amarantos). WELL DONE AYLA and thank you to both judges.
I did have Indy with me but decided not to enter him in his class as he is losing coat just now and wasn't at his best. But he did enjoy his day, especially when Ayla, Carter and some of the Adnamashan Papillons came to hang out at Anna's stall and they got to tangle leads and owners alike.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Pigeon Life
Catching up with whats happening in the pigeon loft, three youngsters (one is the nominated 1st bird and the others are replacements in case of loss or injury) have been delivered to The Scottish Classic One Loft Race all three pigeons will train and live at this loft until the racing starts with one of four hot spot races on 22nd July culminating with the main race of 160 miles on 22nd August.
Last week the pigeons raced from Lockerbie and Abbeyton Lofts took club places of 4th, 5th, 7th 8th and 20th and saw us make the 10th place in the Ayrshire Federation result. Number of birds sent in the fed was 2110 so not to bad a result for the first race. We sent 30 birds but only had 23 return from the race.
This week saw the pigeons were racing from Longtown 82 miles from home. They were liberated at 10.30am Saturday morning, as I was a local limit show with Ayla I missed all the winners coming in. Jim was caught on the hop a wee bit as he was in the garage doing some bit and pieces when the first pigeons arrived. As we are still using the manual clocks for the old birds season we lost a minute or two in timing the birds. Anyway that doesn't matter as we were 1st and 2nd in the club with 21 home out of 21 sent, we will find out nearer the end of the week how we did in the Fed result.
We have installed a Benzing ETS for the start of the young bird season in July where the birds are timed via an electronic ring on there leg and we don't have to touch them. The youngsters are now out and flying round the loft, we are one down already, whether it has just got lost and maybe gone into someone else's loft or has become some hawks food we don't know till someone if ever reports it as found.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Papillon Health
Has been updated with an article on Tracheal Collapse. This was one of the factors involved in the loss of my first Papillon Poppy (Brollyanna Princess Poppet). Having one of my friends have her 13 year old Papillon Monet diagnosed with the same condition I thought it appropriate to add the item to the PAPILLON HEALTH blog.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
New look blog. Still finding it's (WEB) feet so to speak The Papillon Club (Butterfly) Dog Club of Scotland were recently gifted there own domain name and have taken space on the internet via a blog (for present) to keep members up to date with club information and news.
If anyone has any news they would like to share with other club members and visitors please contact Hazel who is the clubs blog coordinator by emailing
Website can be found at or click this link Papillon Club Of Scotland
If anyone has any news they would like to share with other club members and visitors please contact Hazel who is the clubs blog coordinator by emailing
Website can be found at or click this link Papillon Club Of Scotland
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Something of Interest
At PAPILLON HEALTH you can have a read and familiarise your self with some of the symptoms that manifest themselves in certain conditions that is found to affect our beautiful Papillons.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My other hobby

If you find yourself continually going from site to site and looking for something different, go and have a look at our pigeon website at ABBEYTON LOFTS. When you do get to give us a visit remember and sign the guest book and let us know what you think. Jim is a bit of a whizz at designing websites and keeps himself busy almost 24 hours a day in front of the compter.
Papillon Club Champ Show
Travelled down and stayed with Angela on Saturday. Collected Alfie and Cosmo on the way down to take to the show with Ayla, Indy and Flame. Long way down and even longer back home and expensive to boot.
The dog judge Howard Ogden (Beauview) was in his usual good humor and gave every dog the same consideration and only now and again let his thoughts show on his face. Cosmo was in Jr and was placed a very respectable 4th. Indy was short listed but unplaced in a very good PG class but placed 3rd in Phalene dog. Alfie was placed VHC in Open, poor soul kept looking for Joe (his dad) who couldn't be there as he is lying in a hospital bed with a badly broken leg. Get well soon.
The bitch judge was Pauline Wilson (Invergarick) and Ayla was unplaced in a class of 21 Minor Puppy Bitches. Flame was shown by Angela in Limit and again she was unplaced, though she did manage 4th in the Phalene bitch class.
Esetelle Kirk with Abbeyton Runnin Free at Kirkchase was placed 1st in her Jr class. Well done to you both and especially winnng best Puppy in show with your little Papplewick girl.
I stopped off and had a quick visit with Debra and Roo who is looking really good. They leave for the summer in France in May and will be returning back to the UK in September so looking forward to seeing him then and the changes he will have one through.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Well Done
Morven MacDonald and Newlin Zoe of Finmorlan at Crufts 2009 CONGRATULATIONS in winning 1st YKC 6 - 11 year age group Terrier and Hound and then returning on Sunday to win 1st in the National Junior Handler of the year 6 - 11 age group then being placed 3rd over all.
Morven with Zoe and Judge Glenn Robb
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ayla's first show
Went to Clydebank and District Open Show today with Indy and Ayla. Picked Anna up en route with Ruben, Carter and her wee bedding stall. Arrived in plenty of time to give the dogs a good walk and for Anna to set up her wee stall. And a busy wee stall it is most of the day, people come to look and buy and before you know it there is quite gathering at times all discussing what bedding suits what breeds and what lead Anna has made best, LOL only thing is that it can get a bit hectic for Anna to show and serve so the help offered from different people to look after her wee stall while she showed the boys was much appreciated. Carter won Papillon Jr and Ruben won Papillon Open taking Best of Breed and Group 3.
Indy was on his toes today and showed very well and came second behind Mrs MacGregor and her boy Mo. Ayla was a wee sweetheart, did everything right and even had time to give the judge a wee kiss, (sook) she was placed 3rd in a class of 8 AV Toy Minor Puppy. She was really good on the table and tried her best to keep her tail still, didn't work, jut like it didn't stop wagging while she was on the move for the judge. She didn't always keep it over her back but there were some larger dogs at the ringside and it was her first show. I was very pleased with her and how she performed. Mrs Mac very kindly took some pictures at the show and I know they are in my email inbox, will put them on the blog tomorrow. Angela and Jamie have just arrived at there hotel on a surprise visit home so off out for a couple of glasses of wine and a cuddle from my daughter.
A couple of snapshots of Indy looking quite windswept at Lanark.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Crufts 2009
Well it's been and gone again and it will come back round next year again. This is the Crufts that was for us from Abbeyton.
I travelled down on the Thursday evening with Janet Kirkwood of Helydon Gundogs she was going to show her Chinese Crested on the Friday and stay over to show her gundogs on the Saturday. The trip was uneventful and smooth, thanks to some new tyres on the car, could really have done without spending the £400 but needs must. We arrived in good time for the venue opening at 7am. Only problem we parked in the wrong carpark!!!!!!! we were in the east carpark and to get to hall 5 where our rings were we had to go through Halls 1, 2, 3, and 4. Would have done some shopping then but the stall holders were still at breakfast and hadn't taken off the wraps. Left Janet at her benching and made my way to the Papillon benching and found that we were quite well placed just behind the front row within easy reach of the ring but not out in the main thoroughfare. Indy and Marnie were quite happy to get out and stretch there legs with a walk round the hall and a chance to say hello to everyone they met whether they knew them or not. Spent a wee bit of time tidying them up and then settled them back into there trolley with some biscuits and water then left them to go and say good morning to friends and other exhibitors alike. Met Jane Freeman who had just won puppy dog with Annmeeric Galaxy Traveller By Caroadori a super little Italian Greyhoud that I have met a few times now and would quite happily smuggle him away in with my dogs if I thought Jane would let me. LOL He didn't get any further awards but his kennel mates were placed 2nd in special jr dog and 3rd in open dog. Also dropped by the Maltese ring and watched Lafford Marc My Words From Zumarnik gain her CH. title winning her 3rd CC today.
Any way back to Papillons and we had a change of judge, Jimmy Simpson (Penang) was unable to be there due to ill health and the replacement judge was Jean Banfield (Kingshaven). Indy was first in the ring, he was really good on the table and moving (went a dream actually) but at the end when the judge came round for her last look before placing, Indy dropped his tail I just wasn't quick enough to get him back on his toes so we missed out. Marnie on the other hand was doing her usual, flying round the ring and trying to say hello to everyone at the same time. She actually spotted Anna from a fair distance and I thought that was it, but she turned her attention back to what she was doing and was placed a very respectable 2nd in her class. Alfie (Abbeyton What's It All About) was there today as well and got placed 3rd in a very strong class of dogs. Wills and Cosmo went unplaced, but if you had been there to see the very high standard of the dogs being shown there was no shame in not having a placing.
Any way back to Papillons and we had a change of judge, Jimmy Simpson (Penang) was unable to be there due to ill health and the replacement judge was Jean Banfield (Kingshaven). Indy was first in the ring, he was really good on the table and moving (went a dream actually) but at the end when the judge came round for her last look before placing, Indy dropped his tail I just wasn't quick enough to get him back on his toes so we missed out. Marnie on the other hand was doing her usual, flying round the ring and trying to say hello to everyone at the same time. She actually spotted Anna from a fair distance and I thought that was it, but she turned her attention back to what she was doing and was placed a very respectable 2nd in her class. Alfie (Abbeyton What's It All About) was there today as well and got placed 3rd in a very strong class of dogs. Wills and Cosmo went unplaced, but if you had been there to see the very high standard of the dogs being shown there was no shame in not having a placing.
After leaving Crufts I drove the 100 miles or so to Angela's where we were spending the night. Indy had a great time playing with Nacho and was quite happy to share his treats and dinner with him.
Saturday morning we went for a walk and Indy was offered a new home with a lady he impressed at the bus stop by lying down quietly while we chatted. Angela is always impressed when I come back in and can tell her things from around her town. Found out this time that is costs £1.70 on the local bus to the nearest town. LOL
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Abbeyton Spring Blossom
I was all ready to post about our trip to Crufts this year but I had a phone call today which put it in the shade, telling me that Becky died 9th March 2009 after being involved in a car accident. Her owner Liz is absolutely devastated. Both Becky and her buddy Gizmo jumped in the car with Liz to go a short trip, the car was hit by another and Liz is left very badly bruised and Becky hurt her back. She was taken to her vet and referred immediately to the Glasgow vet school where they operated but found her spine was so severely damaged that the decision was taken to not to let her suffer any further.
Becky (tri) pictured with her litter sister Belle and Angela at there first Crufts where Becks was placed a very respectable 4th in Puppy bitch. Becky on the occasions she was shown did very well, I stopped showing her after she was attacked by two dogs at a show. She was a very important dog in that she is the foundation to most of the dogs I have.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Once upon a time.......
That caught your eye didn't it? LOL it's going to be a long one so settle down with your favourite tipple and we will begin....
I was the show manager at a local open show and thankfully the day passed without any problems. The edge was taken off the day for me because I had to disappoint a friend by not being able to drive with her to Heathrow to collect a dog coming in from the USA Friday morning. As we set the rings etc up on the Friday night I wouldn't have been there in time. I really did try to get away from doing the set up as I would still have been at the show on the Saturday, but after making a few phone calls I was told this was not the case, I had to be there on Friday evening as the buck stopped with me and if anything went wrong it was my responsibility. Didn't make any difference that it was my first time as show manager and that there were two other committee members with years of experience at the job there as well, my name was on the schedule and I could face a fine if I didn't fulfil my role. So take note that being on a committee really does mean commitment or you could face paying for the privilege. Never mind the hours you give up of your free time to support your "hobby" or the donations you make be it via raffles, prizes or monetary donation to the clubs.
Anyway that was Saturday and for me Sunday couldn't come round quick enough. Went to Catrine show at Lanark and had an ok day, both Indy and Marnie were placed second in there classes. Beginning to think I should maybe give up breeding and showing my own and just continue to show other peoples dogs as I seem to be doing better there at the moment. I handled an English Bull Terrier and won 1st and best of breed. Nipped away for a while to meet up with Sue Deamer and have a chat, Sue was kind enough to collect a satnav for me that I had ordered online from Halfords so I don't have any excuses for getting lost. Well except for the NEC car parks, what a horrible place to get in and out of. Well it is for me. LOL
The intervening week has been taken up with girls in season, poor Indy doesn't know if he is coming or going. As for the girls, any opportunity and they are flirting like mad with him behind bars.
We had no shows this weekend but that doesn't mean I stayed at home. Saturday I went to a Secretaries Seminar organised and run by SKC and very informative it was too. Gave a good insight to the job the secretary of General and Breed clubs have. Met Terry Heath of Holloville Bull Terriers and we had a very long but interesting conversation about health issues in Bullys and dogs in general. Sunday was at an easier pace and didn't leave home till 1pm to take Jean to the Maltese Club of Scotland AGM.
Was going to say The End but that's not true come back for more and I'll promise I will get pictures for you next time. We are showing at Crufts on the 5th March. taking Indy and Marnie so do check what happens there.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meet Paraiba Frothy Coffee via Bryelis
A wee change for me at the weekend when I handled Lilah on Saturday where she won 1st Chinese Crested open class and Best of Breed. She then came to stay overnight with me and the Papillons so I could show her at the show on the Sunday as well, where she again won 1st Chinese Crested open class and Best of Breed then added Group 3 to the list. I have handled Lilah a few times in the past but this weekend we just seemed to click and she went like a dream. Looking forward to our next time.
Indy and Marnie were at the shows at the weekend, both were placed in there classes. Betsy went with us on the Saturday for a wee bit of socialising and done really well, even managed to accept some food and cuddles from people who were kind enough to stop and spend time with her. Ayla and the others (including Jim) at home wondered what had arrived when Lilah came in the door, and I must admit I was a wee bit wary as to how everyone would get on, but they were fine said hello and just all got on with there own business. Really surprising how warm Lilah was to the touch. I thought like a human with no clothes on her skin would be cold to the touch, but there you go learned something new this weekend. An absolute delight to have her here and would certainly have her to stay again.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Obedient Betsy!!!!!
Took her to a local puppy class tonight. Oh wow was she given a rude awakening. Typical pet obedience class with dogs and handlers/owners of all ages and abilities, some like Betsy there for the first time others returning for top up training and others who had been going for quite a few weeks. I met an old friend called Simba and his owners as soon as I walked in the door and it just felt like I had never been away, though everyone was at least 5 years older. Spent my time walking Betsy round the hall letting her get used to the couple of dogs there while we waited for the trainer to arrive. Once the class started I got to have a go with Simba doing his heel work and boy don't the old ways come back so quickly, he knew instinctively when to walk, sit, turn and all this was because his close heel work is so good , and his mum thought he would have forgotten it all. Betsy on the other hand was totally over awed by it all, her heel work was really good for a dog trying to hide under the chairs round the walls of the hall. (LOL shorter lead next week) She wasn't to sure of the dog sat in the corner with it's back to the class because it is a barker, Simba wanted to play but due to his sheer size this just wasn't possible, though they did get to sniff noses. We met Mac a wee WHWT who was there for his first time as well and a right cutie he was too. Was a little surprised when we were called up with the rest of the class to do a 1 minute sit stay!!!!!!!! I personally thought it a bit long for puppies there for the first time but when in Rome etc etc. I chose not to leave Betsy's side and spent the minute breaking it into 10 second stays for Betsy which I thought was more than adequate. She has only just heard the sit and stay command for the first time last night and if I had put her in a sit and walked back for even three paces I knew she wouldn't have been able to do it. Why rush? And all this I managed without having to raise my voice above a normal speaking level once. We are going to have our work cut out for us training, here at home the others just jump all over the two of us and poor Betsy looks to say why do they get to bounce around and she has to sit, wee soul we will find a nice playing field to go and work in and I'm sure all the one to one will more than compensate for not being able to bounce like a kangaroo around the house with the others.
When we go back next week I will try and get a picture of Simba with Betsy and you will see what I mean about his size.
Monday, February 09, 2009
A little bit of tidying
Felt the blog was getting a bit untidy looking with random pictures and websites popping up in the side panel. So for ease I have reverted back to "Less is More".
If you would like to have a link to your website or blog email me and I will oblige if the site relevant.
Just to say
Betsy and Ayla did have there day out, Betsy went on Saturday to Larkhall and was not very impressed at all, if anything meeting the Greyhounds and a woman she just didn't want to meet or like has made her more clingy than ever. I can't go anywhere in the house without her at my side, the only respite has been the snow, as Betsy is a lover of the outdoors this suits her sense of fun and adventure.
Ayla on the other hand went to Dumfries and though she had her moments of "what the hell is that" she did really well, loving everyone and everything that is except Freddie the Havanese who made the first move toward her. LOL she got him back by pouncing on his madly wagging tail when he had sat down with his back to her. LOL he loved every minute of it. She met a Labrador pup called Boggey (yep that was his name), originally called Brogue but now prefers his new name LOL. Anyway Ayla wasn't very sure at first but after a few moments there was a few tentative touching of noses and then both had to be restrained as they both went chest down and bums up with tails wagging for a game but the size difference just didn't make it possible.
Today everyone has been in the garden playing fetch with snowballs and running with tails streaming (like Tam O'Shanters grey mare Meg) round and round the garden till we get dizzy watching and call them indoors, Betsy without fail is always the last one through the door for as much as she clings to me she loves the snow more.
Driving snow
and snow driving.
Went to Larkhall limit show on Saturday with Indy who won 1st in Papillon open and Best of Breed. Anna was there with Meme and had her wee shop as well. Jean also travelled with us with her Maltese pup Flo who won best puppy in group. Anna's we shop is a great place for meeting people in all breeds. Her bedding, leather work and embroidery are in great demand at the shows and she always goes home with less stock and more orders to fill. Anyway back to the snow etc, on the way to Larkhall there were a couple of times when we thought to turn back home as we were going through some really heavy snow falls. Takes more than a wee flurry of snow to stop us. We were set up next to a stall for Greyhound Awareness who work effortlessly on behalf of Greyhounds and Lurchers. My only concern being next to them at a dog show was that some of the Greyhounds there were rescues that had issues with small furry things (yes someone described our beautiful Papillons as this) and therefore the dogs had to spend more time in there boxes with a cover over them to keep prying Greyhounds on long leads out. Shocked me more when one person asked if maybe they should put a muzzle on the dog. Glad to say that all the hounds were muzzled so we felt a bit safer with the dogs out of there boxes. Anyway back to the snow (such a rare occurrence here) by the time we headed for home the snow was gone and it was getting chilly. On the Sunday I picked up Anna and we headed for the Annandale canine clubs show at DG1 in Dumfries. Anna had Ruben and Carter with her and I took Indy and Marnie. The drive down was so nice and enjoyable I decided we could take in a wee bit of sight seeing and went on a further 25 miles to Gretna Green (LOL I missed the turning off the motor way) got to the venue with plenty of time to spare. Anna was first in with Carter and he was placed a very respectable 4th in a class of 12 pups. In the Papillon graduate Indy got 3rd behind Abbyeton Here We Go Again, and Bankshill ???????? or JD to his friends, well done Sue. In the open class Marnie was 2nd and Wills her litter brother was 3rd. Estelle Kirk sent a text while we were there to let us know that Lou lou (Abbeyton Runnin Wild at Kirkchase) won Best of Breed at Darlington open show, and Maddie won best puppy in breed. Well done everyone.
This is where the snow really comes into the story, I had offered to run the judge home as she lives in Ayrshire as well, so we had to wait till the end of the show as she was judging Best In Show. While we waited we kept going outside to keep our eye on the weather as it had begun to snow and within a short time it had gone from a flake or two to a full blown coat the ground in white flurry. When we did leave the main roads were quite clear, but as we went up the country it was starting to land and not go melt. Dropped Anna in Darvel and then had a run to Dunlop to drop off Ann the judge, by the time we got to Dunlop not even the main roads were clear. Saw Ann into her house ok then headed home, but the snow was really falling by now and other than heading for the A77 then onto the M77 as the other road I knew was closed. I phoned Jim and I must say the brilliant thing about having a tracker in the car is he can live track the car and tell me the best routes to go. Within a few Mins I had turned the car and going back the way I had come headed for the nearest main road home through some pretty thick snow without a problem. You just gotta love technology sometimes.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009
And so life goes on...
Went with Anna to Caledonian Canine Society open show Saturday 31st Jan at the Lowland Halls in Ingleston, not a very pleasant place but it does the job I suppose, though at £4.90 per entry for the dogs you would expect more than a wee piece of card to remember your day. Only rosettes in the rings during class judging were for Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Breed. Took Marnie and Indy to show and Ayla and Betsy to experience the whole thing. And what an experience it was, being handled by total strangers and taken for walks among what must have appeared as giants to them, ie Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds and possibly anything else that measured over 12 inches. LOL
Anyway Indy got a 4th in Post Graduate and Marnie left the Open class with not a thing, such is the world of dogs. Anna won with Ruben and his two sons both did well, one winning best of breed and his half brother winning best puppy in breed. Well done everyone.
On Sunday it was back along the A71 to Wishaw for the Paisley and District open show. Same trolley full of dogs again, this time without Anna and her dogs as she was travelling with her daughter today. Both Indy and Marnie were placed 3rd out of classes with 3 in them. Ayla and Betsy got to go out and walk around and meet other people, again it was Ayla who took with it in her stride, where Betsy was the one cleaning the floor with her belly. That was until she met Bob the Labrador man who had a bait bag full of garlic sausage and boy didn't she take a shine to him, think if I had let her she might even have considered going home with him. LOL think I had said to Anna five minutes earlier that if the right home came along I may let her go, maybe we'll see how it goes for a while yet. Never have been a great fan of running on siblings, get to reliant on each other. But there we go another day another challenge and that's what keeps us going back to the beginning and starting over with a new pup every time.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
27-04-1999 -- 27-01-2009 My beautiful butterfly Domino who went to sleep in my arms
Friday, January 23, 2009
Meet Nacho!!!!
Now when we go to visit with Angela and Jamie the dogs can visit with there new friend.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
New Year, New Look....
Thought I would have a change from all the girly pinks on the blog, and go for something a wee bit simpler.
Ruairidh has gone to live with Debra, who has also started a blog, and her Papillons. Roo as he is called is Debra's first Phalene bred dog so I would like to wish them well whatever they set out to do. If ears settle it may even be the show ring. So to see how they get on visit them at Papillons and Phalenes.
Marnie (Abbeyton Some Like It Hot) was at Manchester champ show in Stafford at the weekend and was placed a very respectable 2nd in Post Graduate Bitch from an entry of 15. Well done Marnie even if I do say so myself I thought you looked really good. Sue was there and let me handle Wills (Abbeyton Isle b Willin To Tri at Bankshill) in the open dog class where we were placed 4th and he went really well. Sue's travelling companion Pat got her 3rd CC with her girl Papparotsie Painted Lady (Fresia) making her the newest Champion in the breed. Angela Skelton with her boy Adnamashan One In A Million won first in his class giving them the final point needed to claim his Junior Warrant. AND Anna Fraser & Gillian Graham had it confirmed that Ruben (Northlyte Timless at Bonmeshay) was named Papillon Top Sire in the Our Dogs competition. Well done Anna and Gillian who own and show Ruben turning him out to perfection every time. Also to his breeders Liz Anderson and Karen O'Kane. But especially to Rubens progeny, the three litter mates who have done so well in the ring with there owner/breeder Angela Skelton of Adnamashan Papillons.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
First Night Training in 2009
Ruiaridh and MacKenzie both went to there respective training classes for the first time last night. And I don't think it could have been more different.
Ruiaridh went to Land O' Burns ringcraft where there was about 18 -20 dogs present of various breeds in all sizes and he enjoyed meeting everyone of them even had a word or two to say to Dogue De Bordeaux puppy. We have a much respected trainer with many years experience in both judging, exhibiting and training and is well able to guide and advise on how to present and handle your dog for showing. Cost for the 2 hour class was £1 annual membership and £1.50 for the class. In the class there is a table for small dogs to learn there table work and mats for the dogs to walk on. Mats are essential for all dogs who are to be shown to learn to walk on them as different shows use different types some are ridged and some move underfoot and all this can put a young dog off if it hasn't had a bit of training on them.
MacKenzie on the other hand went to (name removed) dog training. Trainers spent the first 15 -20 minutes introducing themselves to the class of 2 dogs. There were no mats available for use and one trainer spent quite a bit of time with MacKenzie in her arms cuddling him and stroking his tummy. The other trainer seemed to prefer working with the other dog, MacKenzie was given minimal attention which was to teach him to walk to heel using bait, which with a small dog got the expected reaction, the dog continually jumps to get the food, not good for the patella, he has also to learn the sit command for next week. He did get table work but to an outgoing happy pup this was not a chore to have someone go over him. Cost for this is £75 for a 10 week course that lasts 1 hour per week. MacKenzie's Mum couldn't tell me the names of the trainers, as in there introductory talk they forgot to mention them, but they didn't forget to tell how well there own dogs had done in the ring. And this class was booked as ten weeks of ringcraft training where she was told on booking that there were already 6 dogs booked and I assume paid for as she had to pay in advance.
Makes me appreciate being in an area where I have a choice of training classes.
Ruiaridh went to Land O' Burns ringcraft where there was about 18 -20 dogs present of various breeds in all sizes and he enjoyed meeting everyone of them even had a word or two to say to Dogue De Bordeaux puppy. We have a much respected trainer with many years experience in both judging, exhibiting and training and is well able to guide and advise on how to present and handle your dog for showing. Cost for the 2 hour class was £1 annual membership and £1.50 for the class. In the class there is a table for small dogs to learn there table work and mats for the dogs to walk on. Mats are essential for all dogs who are to be shown to learn to walk on them as different shows use different types some are ridged and some move underfoot and all this can put a young dog off if it hasn't had a bit of training on them.
MacKenzie on the other hand went to (name removed) dog training. Trainers spent the first 15 -20 minutes introducing themselves to the class of 2 dogs. There were no mats available for use and one trainer spent quite a bit of time with MacKenzie in her arms cuddling him and stroking his tummy. The other trainer seemed to prefer working with the other dog, MacKenzie was given minimal attention which was to teach him to walk to heel using bait, which with a small dog got the expected reaction, the dog continually jumps to get the food, not good for the patella, he has also to learn the sit command for next week. He did get table work but to an outgoing happy pup this was not a chore to have someone go over him. Cost for this is £75 for a 10 week course that lasts 1 hour per week. MacKenzie's Mum couldn't tell me the names of the trainers, as in there introductory talk they forgot to mention them, but they didn't forget to tell how well there own dogs had done in the ring. And this class was booked as ten weeks of ringcraft training where she was told on booking that there were already 6 dogs booked and I assume paid for as she had to pay in advance.
Makes me appreciate being in an area where I have a choice of training classes.
Friday, January 09, 2009
A Quiet Start.........
.......To 2009
Everyone here is doing there best to keep themselves busy, pups are learning the lie of the land between home and the main street where they get to walk at the same time as the local academy gets out for lunch. Kids are great for giving the pups loads of attention and gets them used to the noise as well. Only problem most of the kids won't take no for an answer when they ask to feed them chips and curry sauce, chips and cheese or greasy pies from the local baker.
Ayla continues to enchant everyone who meets her, Betsy is getting a little too shy for my liking so she will be having a lot more introductions to more people and animals, Ruairidh on the other hand is really coming out of his shell, pushing his way to the front of the gang when group cuddles are on offer (thats when I usually land on my behind).

Ruairidh checking that I haven't left a red sock in with his bedding. LOL

OK to go!!!!
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