Friday, February 08, 2008

Puppies Rule OK

I've given up!!!! What a little bunch of timewasters I have.

So much time is spent watching them chasing each other out into the back garden, that is everyone except Amber, who being the lady of the bunch she neither rushes nor chases unless of course Ziggy should stand still on the floor for more than a minute or two then like a guided missile all pretences of being the shy, demure little lady vanishes and its a free for all where she quite happily pushes her way in with the others for a quick drink before being told by Ziggy just where to sling there hooks. And all through this Flame sits quietly on the back of the couch with a smug look on her face that says I just don't do that kind of thing anymore. Now we know where madam Amber gets the attitude from.

Ziggy's gang of four are out and out born trouble makers. Lilly is a real shining light, in the last week she has started taking great pleasure in waking us up in the middle of the night to go outside and do her toilet, no amout of treats or gentle persuassion will make her go on the paper in the puppy pen. She was first to go and explore the garden and will sit at the door and cry if the door is closed and she can't get out, she will quite happily go off exploring come rain, hail, sunshine and even snow. I'm quite sure when she goes to her new home there will be plenty of fun and games in taming this Runnin Wild one.

Here's Lucy who just loves to be pampered, kisses and cuddles are given freely and as often as she can get to you. Her favourite things in life at the moment is always first and foremost DINNER oh wow does she love her food, and then people, the more of both the better as far as Lucy is concerened. Another explorer of the garden she quite often makes it her mission to bring in the biggest twig or one of those itsy bitsy stones that you don't see till you stand on it with your stocking feet, ouch!!!!!!

Now to the boys. What a quandry I'm in over them. Who to choose? With two such nice puppies and not a lot to choose from between them I am not quite bald, but boy am I getting there.

Marco is just so mischevious, tough and afraid of nothing, even the dog who lives next door when she runs up the shared drive doesn't make him blink an eye, he stands his ground and you can almost see him daring her to try and come close to the gate, he has his litter mates hiding behind him giving him no support at all. LOL

Hugo Ah ain't he another cutie? He loves to sit in front of you and voice his opinion of the world as he knows it. Which isn't any further than the back garden, of which he was the last to set foot out in to that big wide space and only after he had spent many days sitting on the step contemplating just what everyone else got from being out in the wet and cold. This boy is a little more thoughtful and is certainly not the fool who rushes in. Whatever life may hold for him, I just know that it will be taken at his pace and we will just have to learn from him.

The time approaches for the pups new Humans to come and see them and eventually take them home. It will be nice to see them settled and loving new people, finding new things to test there teeth on and training there new humans to there way of doing things.


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of little crackers.

Anonymous said...

Got to agree, real nice pups.