and snow driving.
Went to Larkhall limit show on Saturday with Indy who won 1st in Papillon open and Best of Breed. Anna was there with Meme and had her wee shop as well. Jean also travelled with us with her Maltese pup Flo who won best puppy in group. Anna's we shop is a great place for meeting people in all breeds. Her bedding, leather work and embroidery are in great demand at the shows and she always goes home with less stock and more orders to fill. Anyway back to the snow etc, on the way to Larkhall there were a couple of times when we thought to turn back home as we were going through some really heavy snow falls. Takes more than a wee flurry of snow to stop us. We were set up next to a stall for Greyhound Awareness who work effortlessly on behalf of Greyhounds and Lurchers. My only concern being next to them at a dog show was that some of the Greyhounds there were rescues that had issues with small furry things (yes someone described our beautiful Papillons as this) and therefore the dogs had to spend more time in there boxes with a cover over them to keep prying Greyhounds on long leads out. Shocked me more when one person asked if maybe they should put a muzzle on the dog. Glad to say that all the hounds were muzzled so we felt a bit safer with the dogs out of there boxes. Anyway back to the snow (such a rare occurrence here) by the time we headed for home the snow was gone and it was getting chilly. On the Sunday I picked up Anna and we headed for the Annandale canine clubs show at DG1 in Dumfries. Anna had Ruben and Carter with her and I took Indy and Marnie. The drive down was so nice and enjoyable I decided we could take in a wee bit of sight seeing and went on a further 25 miles to Gretna Green (LOL I missed the turning off the motor way) got to the venue with plenty of time to spare. Anna was first in with Carter and he was placed a very respectable 4th in a class of 12 pups. In the Papillon graduate Indy got 3rd behind Abbyeton Here We Go Again, and Bankshill ???????? or JD to his friends, well done Sue. In the open class Marnie was 2nd and Wills her litter brother was 3rd. Estelle Kirk sent a text while we were there to let us know that Lou lou (Abbeyton Runnin Wild at Kirkchase) won Best of Breed at Darlington open show, and Maddie won best puppy in breed. Well done everyone.
This is where the snow really comes into the story, I had offered to run the judge home as she lives in Ayrshire as well, so we had to wait till the end of the show as she was judging Best In Show. While we waited we kept going outside to keep our eye on the weather as it had begun to snow and within a short time it had gone from a flake or two to a full blown coat the ground in white flurry. When we did leave the main roads were quite clear, but as we went up the country it was starting to land and not go melt. Dropped Anna in Darvel and then had a run to Dunlop to drop off Ann the judge, by the time we got to Dunlop not even the main roads were clear. Saw Ann into her house ok then headed home, but the snow was really falling by now and other than heading for the A77 then onto the M77 as the other road I knew was closed. I phoned Jim and I must say the brilliant thing about having a tracker in the car is he can live track the car and tell me the best routes to go. Within a few Mins I had turned the car and going back the way I had come headed for the nearest main road home through some pretty thick snow without a problem. You just gotta love technology sometimes.
Heavens woman... your insane lol Glad you all got home safe and well done on being placed to all.
i think i shall deffinatly pick your brains on these Trackers dear, xxxx Deb and Rabble
Well done Joan and a "Speacial" well done for Lou Lou - she is gorgeous.
Well done Joan and a "Speacial" well done for Lou Lou - she is gorgeous.
It takes more than a bit of snow to stop most show folk....sanity went out the window long ago!
PS Glad you all got home safely.
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